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Our goal in life is not to become perfect: Our goal is to become whole.”

Yin Yoga

Mondays 9am / Wednesday 6.30pm
$25 casual / Buy 5 sessions $100 / 10 sessions $200

Focusing on breath, asana and meditation.

Yin yoga is a practice for the ligaments, tendons, bones and fascial network.  Muscles get to take a break. 

Yin yoga has beneficial effects on the nervous system to bring the body into parasympathetic, the rest and digest calm state rather than sympathetic dominance of fright and flight, or freeze state. Breathe along with mindfulness to observe the body through the asanas and practice will achieve this outcome.

Benefits of the practice are improved collagen fibres, hydration of the fascial system and more flexibility.  Meditation enhances quality of life of body/mind/spirit, there are many more to mention, we suggest come along and experience them for yourself.

1:1 Yoga / Breathe Session

By Appointment Only

Yin yoga practice and breath work to relax, restore the sympathetic nervous system, dropping us deep into parasympathetic blissful state to embody life from a place of ease, restoring fascial tissue to enhance hydration and allow more flexibility into the body and mind.