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Our wellness centre is proud of recognising when you may need another health care professional such as physiotherapy, chiro, pilates, podiatrist, GP, phycologist , counsellor, or Wellness with yoga, exercise coach, we do not hesitate to refer you on to benefit your health and wellness, our practitioners will chat to you about this when needed.

Ayurvedic Abhyanga

1hr – $145

Full body Massage with herbal oils to suit your unique dosha, grounding for Vata, stimulating for Kapha, calming for Pitta, traditionally the base oil used is sesame.

Marma points are stimulated encouraging lymphatic flow and elimination, improves circulation, relieving muscular tension with deep relaxation to nourish the body/mind/soul.

“Snehana” is oleation or oiling the body, in Sanskrit “Sneha” translates to “love”; self love is the most divine therapy to fulfillment.

Remedial Massage

Health Fund Provider Practitioner
60mins – $130
45mins – $105
30mins – $90

Remedial massage treats symptoms and the cause of musculoskeletal dysfunction, pain management and release of arthritis, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, whiplash, low back chronic pain, sciatica, balancing emotional and physical body to bring equilibrium to your health plus many more benefits.

(Optional dry needling) extra $10

Dry needling is beneficial for chronic pain patterns, tightness in muscle fibres, fascial density, trigger points (knot) which are a hypersensitive nodule within the muscle fibres shortening movement.

Ayurvedic Consultation

1.5hr – $160

30mins Follow-up Consultation – $55

Herbal Medicine can range from $30 – $60

1.5 hours is all about you! Your consult consists of questions and answers of how your feeling today and where you would like your health to go and feel in the future!

We ask a series of questions to find out your unique mind/body type and history, according to Ayurveda there are 3 doshas Vata, Pitta, Kapha. This will be explained more thoroughly when we meet. We define your unique constitution Prakruti and Vikruthi – the imbalances that are showing up as dis-ease in the mind/body.

Offering ease, support, alleviation and elimination of digestive/gut health, where most of our illness occurs from

The aim of Ayurveda is to bring the imbalances back to balance, with the aid of herbal medicine, herbs from your garden, spices from your pantry and lifestyle, routine changes that will benefit you to return to homeostatis a stable condition necessary for survival and living a fulfilling life.

Comes with a food list or preferred foods uniquely suited to your mind/body type according to Ayurvedic Practices.

Kati Basti or Hridaya Basti

1hr – $130

In addition to Massage a flour dough is used over the lower back (kati) or over the heart (hridaya) in which warmed Ayurvedic oil is poured into. The warm medicated oil allows deep penetration into the muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones benefiting all tissues to nourishment, improving circulation, reducing swelling and inflammation.

Hridaya (heart) basti works on the heart chakra reducing stress, emotional trauma, broken heart of a loved one healing the emotions stored in the tissues, lowers blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle where joy flows from you to others around you.

Ruksha & Snighdha Sweda
Heat Therapy

1hr – $130

Dry ingredients (ruksha) or wet (snighdha) such as dry rice, or cooked rice, salt, milk, fresh or dried herbs are wrapped into a cloth bolus which is heated, we use the bolus throughout the treatment to induce sweating to encourage detoxification. These treatments are nourishing, rejuvenating, encouraging relief from arthritis, pain, inflammation whilst reducing stress.

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